10 Tips For E-waste Recycling – Business or Personal

What is Electronic Waste AKA eWaste?



Electronic waste, also known as eWaste, is a common term referring to electronic product that has reach the end of its “useful life.” It is electronic equipment that has become obsolete, outdated, or broken. 


eWaste is one of the fastest growing waste streams, especially here in the United States. In our effort to create a more sustainable future for our community, we have listed 10 tips for eWaste recycling.


1.) If you have something you are thinking of getting rid of, first check if it still works. If it does, think about donating your equipment to a local charity, church, school, or non-profit group. 


2.) If this is a personal item, you can also consider selling it to a friend or on platforms such as eBay or craigslist.


3.) If you are a business consider working with an Asset Recovery facility, such as Allied Computer Brokers, which can help you recover the residual value of your equipment.


4.) If you have decided your equipment no longer has a useful life, is nonworking, or just cannot be resold, take a few extra minutes to ensure you find a reputable recycling facility. 


5.) If you are recycling a cell phone, make sure you factory reset the phone to delete all personal information. Also, make sure to remove your sim card which also contains personal information. 


6.)If you are recycling a computer or laptop, which contains a hard drive, make sure you back up the information onto an external hard drive or flash drive. 


7.) You can choose to either remove the hard drive from the computer you are recycling or at least ask about your recycling companies hard drive destruction process and request a Certificate of Destruction. 


8.) Do some research online or check your local newspaper for any electronics recycling events or fundraisers, there may be opportunities to recycle your items at a cheaper rate, while helping a good cause. 


9.) If you see someone offering “free recycling,” be careful. We all understand the desire to save money, but certain items have a cost to recycle, and someone who does it for free may not always be handling your equipment in an environmentally friendly manner. 

10.) If you are a Massachusetts resident and are having trouble finding a local recycling facility, you can check out www.recyclingworksma.com. It will help you find a recycling facility that is closest to you. 


We hope these tips are helpful. If you need additional information, whether it is for personal use or business, feel free to contact ACB. We are always happy to help with any kind of recycling matters. Simply email info@acbrecovery.com



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